Your Pet Deserves Care & Dignity

“By providing your pet with this peace, you will know in your heart that you did good by your beloved pet. You will look back on their passing with love, not regret. You will give them what they gave you – unconditional love.”
~ Dr. Kari

Special Care for You and Your Pet

Peaceful Endings for Pets is the compassionate solution for end-of-life and hospice care for your beloved pet. We are a team of highly skilled professionals that come to your home, monitoring hospice support and in-home euthanasia services, allowing your family to provide the love and support your pet deserves while journeying to and across the Rainbow Bridge.


You make the transition decision for your pet out of love. It is a heart-wrenching experience to watch your pet live in pain, soiling themselves, or dealing with confusion as to why they can no longer get up and move around like they once used to.


It can be harder to know when your feline is in need of your help. Cats often hide signs of pain or discomfort and may isolate themselves or become more withdrawn. It’s essential to obtain a professional assessment of your pet’s condition to determine future care and decisions.

Other Pets

Our in-home services are also provided for small mammals like guinea pigs, rabbits, and ferrets. This can provide them with a pain-free option when they are ready to make the final transition over the Rainbow Bridge, surrounded by the humans they love.

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