If you find that it’s difficult to move on after losing a pet, don’t delay in finding help.
Your friends or family may not understand what you’re going through but pet bereavement is real and the grieving process can be painful.
Find a resource that will best suit your needs.
Pet Grief Support Groups and Counseling
Pet Loss Grief Counselor: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/michael-boerst-bolingbrook-il/1392372
- Veterinary Special Center: No-Cost Grief Support Group https://www.vetspecialty.com/pet-owners/client-counseling-services/
- Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
https://www.aplb.org/support/ - Chicago VMA
630-325-1600 - ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline
(877) GRIEF-10 - The Anti-Cruelty Society: Pet Loss and Grief Support Group
An Aid to Burying a Pet
Burying your pet at home should only be performed in accordance with local and state laws and with a landlord’s authorization if renting. There are no official guidelines for the proper disposal or burial of deceased animals. To protect human, animal, and environmental health, please consider the following guidelines: When digging a hole, ensure that…
A Cat’s Journey – A Pet Parent’s Experience and Q & A with Dr. Trotsky
When it comes to the end of your pet’s life… the best you can hope for is peace. by Demetra Karras Not long ago, my husband and I found out that one of our four fabulous cats had terminal cancer. I was completely unprepared for a diagnosis of that severity, finality and impact. After all,…
How Do You Know If Your Pet Is In Pain?
(IT’S MORE DIFFICULT THAN YOU THINK) BY DR. KARI TROTSKY During my experience talking to pet owners and helping senior pets, I’ve noticed that veterinarians’ definitions of pain vs the pet owners’ definitions of pain are vastly different. This may be because pet owners are emotionally attached to their pets and don’t want to think…
When Do I Euthanize My Pet With Cancer?
When Do I Euthanize My Pet With Cancer? by Dr. Kari Trotsky Peaceful Endings for Pets When your pet is diagnosed with cancer, it can be devastating news. Not only does cancer come in all different shapes and forms affecting different areas such as skin, organs, bones, or nerves, some can be aggressive either spread…
Only You Can Decide When Euthanasia Is Right
Only You Can Decide When Euthanasia Is Right by Dr. Kari Trotsky Peaceful Endings for Pets Previously, I’ve blogged about how nobody should be judged or told by well-meaning people that they should euthanize their pet. People who don’t understand the circumstances around the care of an older pet, shouldn’t step in and make you…
Your Pet, Your Decision to Euthanize
YOUR PET, YOUR DECISION TO EUTHANIZE BY KARI TROTSKY, D.V.M. PEACEFUL ENDINGS FOR PETS Can you believe that even I have been on the receiving end of a family member and later, a friend, telling me that it was time to euthanize my pet? I felt angry and hurt that they would imply that I’m…
There’s Acupuncture for Pets? Yes, and it Works!
There’s Acupuncture for Pets? Yes, and it works! by Dr. Kari Trotsky Peaceful Endings for Pets So far, I discussed laser therapy, swimming, the Help ‘Em Up Harness, and medication for arthritic pets with decreased mobility, in order to delay euthanasia. Now we move on to another modality in our arsenal – acupuncture. Acupuncture in…
YOU WILL KNOW WHEN IT’S TIME …OR MAYBE NOT by Kari Trotsky DVM Peaceful Endings for Pets If you’ve ever faced the difficult decision of when to euthanize your pet, you’ve probably heard well-meaning people say, “You will just know,” or, “Your pet will tell you.” But, I meet people every day who agonize over…
Hospice or Heaven?
Let’s face it, your pet is as much a part of your family as every person under the roof. They grow old and get sick, just like you and me. After years and years of love, you want to make comforting end-of-life decisions. Hospice care is a unique approach to your pet’s end-of-life needs. This…
GUILTY – My Epiphany on Guilt and Pet Euthanasia
GUILTY My Epiphany on Guilt and Pet Euthanasia by Dr. Kari Trotsky Peaceful Endings for Pets One of the main components that goes into end of life care is guilt. Guilt can invade almost any thought process we have about the subject and I’m here to tell you that it’s normal and necessary. No one…
Laser Therapy for Arthritic Cats and Dogs
Laser Therapy for Arthritic Cats and Dogs by Kari Trotsky, D.V.M. So far, I’ve written about the Help ‘Em Up Harness and Swim Therapy as integrative treatments that can be used for arthritic dogs, in addition to medications. This time, I’d like to discuss laser therapy which can be used for arthritic cats, as well.…
Have You Thought About Swim Therapy For Your Arthritic Pet?
HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT SWIM THERAPY FOR YOUR ARTHRITIC PET? by Kari Trotsky, DVM Peaceful Endings for Pets When dogs age, they often develop arthritis that limits their mobility. Many times, I am called out for an at-home euthanasia appointment because a pet simply cannot get up or walk anymore. Lack of mobility is a…
Overview of Arthritis Treatment for Dogs
OVERVIEW OF ARTHRITIS TREATMENT FOR DOGS BY DR. KARI TROTSKY PEACEFUL ENDINGS FOR PETS As pets age, they gradually lose their mobility, just as people do. As with people, keeping your pet active with daily walks, and at an ideal weight, will lessen the load on the joints and maintain muscle mass, which will help…
HEARTFELT GRATITUDE AND THANK YOU by Dr. Kari Trotsky Peaceful Endings for Pets Today, I simply want to share just three of the many cards, texts, emails, and letters I receive after I help a pet pass peacefully at home. These kind words mean the world to me and provide confirmation everyday that even though…
Customized Pet Memorial Services are Affordable and Available at Peaceful Endings for Pets
Customized Memorial Services for Pets Celebration of Life & Memorial Services for Your Pet Peaceful Endings for Pets is pleased to announce the addition of Michael Murschel, Funeral Celebrant / Spiritual Director, the first of his kind in the Chicago area. Traditionally, a pet is euthanized after an illness, and that’s the extent of it.…
Should My Kids Be Present When My Pet Is Put To Sleep?
SHOULD MY KIDS BE PRESENT WHEN MY PET IS EUTHANIZED? by Kari Trotsky, D.V.M. Peaceful Endings for Pets At-home Hospice and Euthanasia for Dogs and Cats This is a question I get asked a lot. I will give you my opinion based on: My experiences of being a veterinarian since 1998 My experiences providing at-home euthanasia…
8 Tips for Medicating the Senior Dog
Does your dog bark at you when it’s time for her pills while you’re spending a few extra minutes doing something else? Does your dog come running when she hears you taking the pills out of their vials? No? Mine does! Having a dog with a positive attitude towards medications makes daily routines a whole…
How to Prepare for Your Pet’s At-Home Euthanasia Visit
HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR PET’S AT-HOME EUTHANASIA VISIT BY KARI TROTSKY, D.V.M. Your pet is ill, his quality of life is poor, and euthanasia is inevitable. To honor the unconditional love he has given you all these years, you choose in-home euthanasia as the last way to cherish his life. How do you prepare…
Should Your Other Dogs Or Cats Be Present During Euthanasia?
Should my pet be present? Being a veterinarian specializing in at-home pet euthanasia, I often get asked these types of questions a lot – “Should my pet be in the room during my other pet’s euthanasia?” Many people wonder if they should put their cats in the basement, have a family member walk the dogs,…
Top 3 Reasons to Opt for At-Home Euthanasia for Your Pet
Making the decision to end a pet’s suffering is not easy. While experiencing feelings of sadness, grief, anger and guilt, it can be difficult to choose what is right for your pet and family. As much as we’d like them to, most pets don’t die naturally and peacefully in their sleep. When the decision is…
Before Scheduling An Appointment . . .
. . . make sure he/she hasn’t bitten anyone in the last 10 days. If your dog or cat has bitten someone, he/she cannot be euthanized for 10 days, by law. This is to make sure that the rabies virus is not present. If your pet has rabies, neurological symptoms will show up within 10…
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak, And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this last battle can’t be won. You will be sad I understand, But don’t let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest,…
The Rainbow Bridge
By the edge of a wood, at the foot of a hill, is a lush, green meadow where time stands still. Where the friends of man and woman do run, when their time on earth is over and done. For here, between this world and the next, is a place where each beloved creature finds…
Before It’s Time
Before it is time to make a decision there are a couple of things to think about. First, have you recorded your pet’s bark or meow? This is important because after the pet is gone, you can have his unique bark or meow play back as many times as you want. Also, make sure you…